Tuesday, September 30, 2014

New Workbench

In a fit of spring-cleaning (at the beginning of fall, no less!), I attacked the train-space in the garage yesterday. I quickly realized what I have been missing in my workflow all this time; a workbench. The goal became to create a central, well organized, well-lit area for my projects.

I already had some stacking storage drawers under my N-scale shelf layout, and after some creative thinking I figured that I could fit a workbench under the layout, between the storage drawers and the shelf. A quick trip to the big-box store yeilded a few 1x4's and 2x4's, as well as a 2'x4' 1/4" MDF panel to serve as a smooth, solid bench-top.

I built a box-frame with the 1x4's, and used the 2x4's as legs. 1x4 sway bracing was added to the back of the table; the whole unit is sturdy enough that it didn't need side-braces. Here's how it all fits together; you can see the Marmion Valley layout nestled in its little storage nook next to the workbench:

The layout lights are above my head when sitting at the workbench, so they provide a lot of workable light. I might add another desktop light as well. I'm also going to hang a power-strip on the side of the workbench so that I can plug in my Dremel, soldering iron, bench grinder, and other sundry tools.

I dry-screwed the MDF top on, so that it can be replaced periodically once it gets too pock-marked, paint-stained, and solder-burnt.

Having a well-organized workspace really inspires you to get out and work on your projects. Plus, a cold Newcastle can't hurt either.

Looking forward to sharing the new projects this workbench will harbor!

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